Fed up with the same old hotel food and crowded beaches? Why not join the millions of holidaymakers who hire a Motorhome in Scotland? Here are some of the joys of holidaying at caravan parks…
The freedom to roam with the comforts of home…
Motorhomes incorporate all your travel needs. You can savour the beauty of the countryside in Scotland and also enjoy the amenities of thousands of caravan and motorhome parks in Scotland across the UK, Europe and beyond.
Go anytime…
A hire / rental motorhome gives you the freedom to holiday when you like, not just when a good holiday deal comes up. You can go in the summer, the winter, for a weekend break, stay for months at your favourite caravan park or tour Europe – the possibilities are endless.
Reflect your taste and personality…
There are many different shapes and sizes of touring caravans and motorhomes, or static caravans which are left all-year-round at caravan parks. Modern hire / rental motorhome can accommodate all the fittings and extras you want – luxury interiors, showers, flush toilets, even wi-fi.
Get back to nature or live it up…
For holidaymakers who want to get away from it all, some caravan parks provide only basic amenities. But many caravan parks now provide all the facilties for an exciting family motorhome holiday – such as a leisure complex, spa, bars and restaurants.
Join a club…
Caravan and motorhome clubs provide a range of services and benefits, such as discounted rates at caravan parks and on ferries, cheaper insurance, help and advice, and access to exclusive events.
Get healthy…
Because caravan parks are often situated in areas of outstanding natural beauty in and around Scotland, near heritage attractions, country parks or by the sea, you can enjoy outdoor pursuits and sports such as kayaking, hill-walking, fishing, pony-trekking, group-walking and cycling. Many caravan and motorhome parks also provide sports tournaments for all the family.
Take your pet…
Dogs are part of the family, and a motorhome holiday means you don’t have to leave your pet behind. Many caravan parks provide pet amenities, including dedicated dog-walking areas. And, of course, you save on kennel fees or the hassles of finding a dog-minder.
Spend winter in the sun…
Instead of getting caught up in the summer holiday rush, caravan parks in Spain, Italy, Portugal and other sunny parts of southern Europe are open all year.
Go green…
Motorhome /Caravanning is environmentally sound because caravans use the existing infrastructure of roads. Caravan motorhome parks and modern caravans are also becoming increasingly energy-efficient, using more eco-friendly and recycled materials.
Take up residence…
Some caravan parks are designed for permanent living. Park homes are static caravans that are bigger than touring caravans – furnished and with access to every amenity. Hundreds of thousands of people enjoy the benefits of life in caravan parks, an easier and cheaper alternative to buying a home.
For more information on hiring a motorhome please see https://www.scottishtourer.co.uk