Here are few places as special as the mountains of Assynt and mid-Sutherland. and few better ways of exploring them than in a motorhome.
North-west Scotland is one of the few true wildernesses in Britain, and by definition is not, therefore, the easiest place to find room and board.
With a motorhome you are perfectly placed to investigate every mountain, loch and river in whatever weather Scotland has to throw at you.
Overlooking Beach Scotland
Our hire vehicles are built on a Fiat frame, and are the ideal motorhomefor novices. The 2.2-litre diesel engine is not underpowered despite 128bhp on paper and will push along comfortably at 65-70mph on the motorway. And when the motorhome reaches the Highlands it will happily cope with the mountains roads and negotiating the narrower and windier roads into the West Highlands.
Views in Scotland
Forget the stereotype of motorhomes and caravans, parked cheek by jowl, recreating a comfortable suburbia wherever two or three meet.
The great joy of the modern motorhome is complete independence and, where it is allowed, the ability to park up any time and anywhere.
There is no need, either, to plug into camp site electrics, as the leisure battery charges as you drive – in fact, the greatest asset is that you don’t have to be connected to anything.
But when the mood takes, The Caravan Club has some spectacular sites in the north-west of Scotland, if only for what the Army used to call a “running replenish”: rubbish out and food in, without even turning the engine off.
Exploring Scotland by Motorhome
Our Motorhomes can be parked up almost anywhere .. beaches, Mountains, basically anywhere that takes your fancy , Motorhoming is all about going where you want and when you want .. total freedom. Pleae see our full range of motorhomes avalible for hire at https://www.scottishtourer.co.uk/motorhome.