We have done a lot of wild camping over the years so we thought it was only fair to share some of the very best we have found with you. Everyone has their own criteria of what makes a good wild camping spot so we have tried to include a variety of different areas in our little list. All our motorhomes come equipped with a sat nav with all the wild camp spots in Scotland we are aware of. Some of these may not be suitable for the motorhome you have chosen to hire so please do some research before you venture down a road or an area you may not fit and get stuck. It will also depend on the time of year you choose to visit Scotland what areas are best due to the amount of rain or midgeis.
The easiest way to remember this is leave only footprints. When you pack up from your wild camp spot ensure that you take any reminder of you and your party being there with you. This not only ensure the safety of wildlife and the beauty of our country but also leaves the site for another party to enjoy as you found it. It is simple to pick up your rubbish, clear away debris even if this may not be yours, lets all help each other to keep our countryside clear. Never use local trees as wood for your fire, not only is this destructive but also incredibly damaging to the local environment. We always encourage those who hire with us to use the BBQ provided rather than a campfire. The idea behind this is simple, it leaves no trace, no scorch marks to the ground and keeps the fire contained and gives you the same enjoyment.
This is mainly aimed at gates, even if the field appears empty you have no idea what a local famer has planned or where the other access points to he field are. Cattle or other livestock could be getting moved in through another gate. Close all gates behind you, ensure you do not enter fields which has young livestock in including lambs or calves. Observe from a distance and respect the local farmers. We would advise you to also respect fields with crops and avoid where at all possible, you wouldn’t want to be the cause of a ruined crop.
This includes toilet waste, there are plenty of local campsites and marked areas that allow you to empty your chemical toilet. Please ensure you only empty these in these areas and never into the environment. This is against SEPA guidelines and you will and should be reported for this. All our motorhomes have guidance on where you can go to empty the toilet and we also cover this at our extensive handover prior to your holiday. This also covers your general waste which should be placed in a local bin or skip where appropriate. Please never dump your rubbish or black waste.
Be respectful on the country roads, this includes passing wide and slow for all horse riders, cyclists, walkers and runners. It may slow you down for a few moments but just take this moment to appreciate the countryside around you and remember you will reach your destination safely if we all respect each other. Our motorhomes are large on the road and they can be intimidating and take up a lot of space. If in doubt stop and let others past you. We have lots of useful information on our website for driving our motorhomes. www.scottishtourer.co.uk
Scotland is a beautiful country, we owe it to ourselves to keep it this way. If we all follow some simple etiquette it ensures that these tranquil, scenic and peaceful areas remain for generations to come. No one wants to be camping next to someone else’s rubbish they didn’t take with them. We provide all our customers with a sat nav programmed with hundreds of wild camp spots all over the mainland and also the islands so you will not be short for places to park up and really enjoy your stay just look at the map below. Our most popular west coast route benefits from lots of fabulous spots to stop overnight at, who needs a campsite when you have absolutely everything you need on board but please remeber to leave to trace that you were ever there.