How to Stay Cool in a Motorhome

How to Stay Cool in a Motorhome

by Scottish Tourer August 25, 2022

Whilst summer in Scotland can be unpredictable, it is always an important thing to remember and to take into account what will help you stay cool whilst away when the weather heats up. Following on from our hot spell of weather we thought we would share with our customers of Scottish Tourer what has helped us over the years and helps to make those hot stuffy nights more manageable and comfortable.

Scottish tourer motorhome parked by the Loch

Since our summer season is now well under way we felt this was the best time to share our top tips especially for those customers who are thinking of purchasing their own motorhome at the end of our season. Much of these tips are more relevant when you have your own motorhome as it does add to extra items to pack when going away. 


  • Our first tip is super simple, look at where you are parking particularly during the day. Look where the sun is and where is in the shade. If its really hot you want to be looking for a shaded place that will stay cool in the heat and then with any luck stay cool most of the night ensuring you are comfortable. There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep on holiday. The bonus with this tip is that it costs nothing, involves no extra materials and is relatively simple. Plus it gives you a chance as a family to challenge each other of who can find the perfect spot to pitch up at. The windows of your motorhome act as a sun magnet so the key is to get the biggest windows facing away from the sun. 
  • Vents are key to keeping cool. If you have vents trying to keep these open especially when you are parked up. It allows the fresh air in and helps air to slowly circulate especially at night. Again this is really simple but can be really effective. 
  • If your in Scotland your unlikely to be this hot however if you are abroad in your motorhome and you have a decent sixed freezer. A frozen hot water bottle can be a life saver, pop it in your bed at night to keep you cool when trying to get to sleep. Its a life changer and the bonus is it doesn’t take up much space and is so simple to fill and freeze. 
  • We have cools mats for the dogs at home however if you have small children away with you and its super hot these can change your days from being stressed and hot to nice and cool. Kids can sit on them under the picnic blanket, helps cool them down really quick adn the effect is usually a happy more relaxed little one.  
  • Although we often open all the blinds during the day, when its hot, keep them closed when you are parked up as it will act as a barrier to the windows being a magnet for the heat and keep the whole motorhome so much cooler for you all in the evenings. The downside is if there are a few of you the heat quickly increases with the body temperature. 

Its a stressful time going on holiday especially if you find yourself in an unusual heat wave in Scotland. So some super simple tips to keep you cool on the road. These help whether you are on your own, with your family or friends and make your holiday much more enjoyable. Its such a relief to often return to a nice cool motorhome after a hot day by the beach. The cool mats and the frozen hot water bottle might just weirdly make or break your holiday! 

Bostadh Beach on the Isle of Lewis

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