Red Squirrels are such a highlight of any walk anywhere is Scotland. So let’s take a look at why these fuzzy little creatures attract so much interest and marvel at their abilities despite their small stature and numbers. These lovely little bright and colourful creatures are coupled with a personality that helps them shine. There are so many fun facts about squirrels that can help get children involved in learning about our woodlands, habitats for animals and the conservation of these little critters!
Scotland’s conservation team aid the numbers of these little creatures and are looking further into how we can all help keep them in our woodlands and forests. There are nesting boxes located in many woods and often the grey squirrels cannot fit inside these, there are ongoing studies in to the effects of thinning and felling forests however these resilient little animals do not appear to be affected and there has been no evidence of death at these times either. In many woods you will walk in Scotland you will see signs for noting if you see a red squirrel, this is so important to the conservationist s to help keep them alive, increase numbers and of course learn more about them. So take that minute to pause and phone to note your sightings if you see them. You may just be a key part in keeping them within our lives, forests and future.