Most of our customers choose to do a mixture of wild camping and caravan sites which is up to personal preference. We like to remain off the beaten track but there as always is some guidance to be followed. We live by the countryside code of “leave-no-trace” that you have ever been there. Although wild camping is legal in Scotland it must be done responsibly. As part of Scotland’s land access legislation, the Land Reform Act 2003 you have the right of responsible access to most land and inland water and are allowed to camp on most unenclosed land. Bear in mind however that Loch Lomond and The Trossachs are subject to wild camping bylaws and camping is only allowed here on the campsites or with a camping permit.
Be a responsible Scottish Tourer Customer. We all love getting away from our everyday hustle and bustle, but we must be aware and respect our surroundings. Here are a few top tips to keep Scotland beautiful and the reputation of Scotland at the forefront.
• Guidance on lighting fires, our motorhomes can be equipped with a BBQ if you wish to take one and we would recommend that anything lit is done so in it as to leave no mark behind. This ensures the BBQ and fire is contained and can be easily put out.
o Never light an open fire in particular near woods, farmland on peaty ground.
o Ensure when putting the fire out it is done so entirely and that it is cool before you bag and dispose of the remainders. Please do not dump piles of ash where you have had your BBQ. There are often bins nearby but just ensure the ash is stone cold.
• Leave the area as you have found it, try not to move stones, bricks or dig into any ground if the area isn’t flat. There are levellers in all our motorhomes if required and sometimes it takes just moving a little bit to gain a flatter piece of land.
• If the area is really busy, move on, there are so many places to park up that you really don’t need to be parked on top of another motorhome and it also increases the chance of damage to the motorhome you’re in and those around you. It can make things more stressful in trying to get out, reverse and enjoy your time away in your motorhome.
• Take care emptying toilets, please only empty the motorhome toilets at designated points and not in the countryside or in public toilets unless there is a sign that states you can.
• Remove all rubbish and dispose of responsibly, if there is other rubbish we often pick this up to as it helps to maintain a clean Scotland for everyone to continue to enjoy.
• Please ensure you:
o Do not block any entrance to fields or buildings, tracks or roads.
o Try not to damage verges, going into verges can often damage the land and the underneath of the motorhome that you cannot see.
o If a local asks you to move, often there is a reason and we ask you to respect the locals and that they are trying to maintain their local area. Often it is for moving livestock, access for large machinery or to maintain the land.
Scotland is so unique that there are so many places to park safely, out of the way and peacefully that we ask all our customers to respect this. Some of our motorhomes are small and others are much larger to it is good to remember to look at the roads to ensure that you will fit, that the bridges are high enough and that you are confident in driving these roads. Sometimes it is worth taking an extra 5 minutes to assess the route and the roads to avoid the extra stress of having to reverse back up a road, getting stuck or damaging the vehicle.